FAQ - Vendors
- How Do You Add a Vendor as a Decorator?
- How Do You Enter a New Bill from a Vendor?
- How Do You Apply a Vendor Bill to an Order(s)?
- How do I, in Bill New/Apply, check all products for an order using a checkbox?
- How Do You Apply a Freight Distribution?
- How Do You Apply a Vendor Bill to a (non-order) General Ledger Account?
- How Do You Record a Payment to a Vendor?
- How Do You Write a Check?
- How Do You Change the Pay-to Name on a Check?
- How Can You Record and Pay an Advance Payment to a Vendor?
- How Do You Apply an Advance to a Vendor's Bill?
- How Do You Record a Credit from a Vendor?
- How Do You Pay a Vendor with a Credit Card?
- How Do You Record Refunds from Vendors to your Credit Cards?
- How Do You Write off a Vendor's Bill due to Barter Agreement?
- How Do You Void a Check?
- How Do You Void a Check that was Entered in ProfitMaker?
- How Do You Remove an Invoice after Voiding the Check?
- How Do You Determine if you already entered a Vendor’s Invoice?
- How Do You Correct a Double Entry of a Vendor’s Invoice?
- How Do You Correct a Bill Applied with Wrong Amount or Wrong General Ledger?
- How Do You Pay Sales Tax?
- How Do You Record Sales Tax Discount?
- How Do You Print Sales Tax List - Filing Accrual?
- How Do You Create a Cash Basis Sales Tax Payables List?
- How Do You Set up Discounted Terms for Vendor?
- How Do You Setup 1099-Misc/1096 Company Information?
- How Do You Setup Vendors for 1099 MISC Reporting?
- How Do You Pay Vendor Bills or Salespeople Commissions for 1099 Reporting?
- How Do You Create Lists for 1099 Information?
- How Do You Print 1099-Misc or 1099-NEC Forms?
- How Do You Print a 1096 Summary?
- How Do You Attach a Specific General Ledger Account to a Vendor?
- How Do You Record a Negative Payment to a Supplier?
- How Do You Place a Vendor Bill on Hold?
- How Do You Pay Several Vendors in One Batch?
- How Do I Add a Vendor Note?