Initially, all salespeople and vendors will be checked to print a 1099 form, unless their Tax ID is missing.  If a Tax ID is missing, the word “Invalid” will be shown in the Tax ID column. To print a 1099 for that vendor or salesperson, edit their resource record.  Select refresh to view the corrections.
Select the 1099-Misc or the 1099-NEC option. This list will show the salespeople and vendors from the Recipient List, with their 1099 Category, the total of the amounts designated as 1099 Payments, and the totals of any Federal and State Tax withheld. These amounts are accumulated from the 1099 information entered during Bill-Pay and amounts recorded from any 1099 totals reported during conversion. 

Date Selector:  The year displayed, and the amounts accumulated are for the last year (based on system date).   This is indicated by the actual year that appears in the date selector. Changing the Date Selector to Custom allows you to enter a different range of dates to be reported.  

Minimum Reporting Amount: Enter the minimum 1099 payment amount for which you need to print a 1099-MISC or 1099-NEC form.  Once you have entered a Minimum Reporting Amount, click “Refresh” to update the list.   The list will then show only those records which meet that criteria. 
Note:  If a record is manually unchecked, that record will not be rechecked any time “Refresh” is selected, even if the Minimum Reporting Amount is changed.  If a record is intentionally unchecked, it will need to be checked manually, or the Select All checkbox is selected.   
Select/Unselect Checkbox:  Any record with a checkmark will have a 1099 form printed. Uncheck the box for the salesperson or vendor that you do not what to print a 1099 form.  You may click the upper checkbox to select or unselect all records, excluding records with no Tax ID.
Category:  The Category assigned to each Salesperson or Vendor is used to determine which box on the 1099-MISC or 1099-NEC form to print the 1099 Payments.  
Process:  Once you have reviewed and determined all the information is entered correctly, select Process.   
A message appears as a reminder to insert your 1099-MISC or 1099-NEC forms into the printer.
This message also notifies you that the forms may be printed multiple times.  
Select Yes, and 1099-MISC or 1099-NEC Forms will then be printed.  You can print 1099’s as many times as necessary.