The 1096 Summary is the form that prints a summary of all 1099’s. The 1096 Summary screen shows the information that will be printed on the 1096 Summary form. The information should be reviewed for accuracy.

You can print either the 1096-NEC or 1096 -Misc. summaries.

The Company Name, Contact Name, Tax ID, Address and Phone are obtained from the 1099/1096 expander within Company Setup. Click the blue link under the 1096 Legal Name to edit any of this information. Once the edits are complete, click “Refresh” to update this screen.
1096 Amounts Details:  If you wish to see the details for the salesperson and vendor records and amounts which are accumulated into the 1096 Totals, you may click on the expander.   The same information will be displayed as it appears on the Print 1099-MISC or 1099-NEC screen. Any changes made within the details will be reflected in the 1096 Totals.

Process:  Once you have verified all the information and made any necessary corrections to the 1096 Summary, click the Process button.  You will receive a message instructing you to insert your 1096 Summary form into the printer.