ProfitMaker can be setup to have shipping information updated from UPS, WorldShip and FedEx Shipping Manager, using the Manifest Interface software special.
When setting up Company Information, there is a field in the Order/Billing area that holds the manifest path. ASICS recommended path is to add a folder, named manifest, inside the main data (ASIDTA) directory. An example would be a path name of P:\asidta\manifest (P is an example of a network drive letter that may contain ProfitMaker data). For all computers to add manifest information into the designated path when entering orders, each computer must recognize the network drive with the manifest data as the same drive letter.
For example, if the manifest path is set to be in the P drive, each computer must have a connection to the drive by recognizing it as the P drive. If one computer recognizes an alternate network or local drive as the P drive, that computer will not update the information in the manifest path set per Company Information.
When setting up Company Information, there is a field in the Order/Billing area that holds the manifest path. ASICS recommended path is to add a folder, named manifest, inside the main data (ASIDTA) directory. An example would be a path name of P:\asidta\manifest (P is an example of a network drive letter that may contain ProfitMaker data). For all computers to add manifest information into the designated path when entering orders, each computer must recognize the network drive with the manifest data as the same drive letter.
For example, if the manifest path is set to be in the P drive, each computer must have a connection to the drive by recognizing it as the P drive. If one computer recognizes an alternate network or local drive as the P drive, that computer will not update the information in the manifest path set per Company Information.