This may be used as an item # when you have costs you want applied to the order for which the customer will not be billed.
Note: These costs will not affect your cost of sales G/L account at billing. These costs should have been vouched to the appropriate expense accounts, or there won't be any vouching for these costs but you want them to affect the profitability and commission on the order. IE: an additional Federal Express charge for sending the order to the vendor or in house decoration on an order.
You may enter a description for a NOPRINT line for your own information, however no line item information will be printed on the invoice, except cost, which will print on the invoice stub.
This does not normally include costs such as art, setup, screening, etc., for which you are not charging the customer. Those would be entered with an item # and billed with a cost but no price.
Normally, if there are any lines in which you have selected “Prt on Ack?”, you will want to create a separate master order and separate vendor copy. The vendor’s copy will then only reflect the charges for the vendor.