Treeview Menu: Master/Codes - Maintenance - Inventory - Program Master
Graphic Menu: Inventory - Maintenance - Program Master

This is one of the required masters used for fulfillment releases or order entry processing. Each program master is used to define fulfillment releases or order entry defaults and reporting abilities. In some cases there may be several program masters created to manage a single program.

A standard example of this would be a customer owned program. Customer owned programs require a minimum of two program masters to separate activity related to purchasing of customer owned merchandise and releases to the customer or other recipient.

General Tab Option

Program #
An alpha-numeric identifier assigned to each program. This number becomes the basis for lookups and reporting sort selections.

Note: Use the program number to control inventory and fulfillment reporting sorts and selection options.

The name of the program. This is also used in lookups.

Owned by
This is to indicate if all items are owned by the Customer or by the House. If the customer is billed up front for the merchandise, then this program must be customer owned. If some items are house owned and some customer owned, the program must still be customer owned.

Customer #
If you wish to limit company/companies who can purchase through this program you must enter a valid customer account number. If a valid customer account number is entered, then only customers with that account number or master account number will be able to purchase through this program in Fulfillment order entry. An entry of zero will allow anyone to purchase through this program.

Ship From Cust #
Indicates an Item Cust # that the items for this program may be released from. A customer number in this field will limit the list of items shown on the initial lookup of items during order entry.

Catalog #
References the catalog name or number for this program.

Begin/End dates
If valid dates are entered in this field, the system will only allow an order to be processed within the date range.

Note: If the dates are left blank, then fulfillment orders can be entered indefinitely.

The corporate contact person for this program is used only for reference.

Note: A lookup is available that list all contacts for the customer # listed.

Salesperson Tab Option

Sl #

Enter the salesperson number that is receiving commission on this program. The salesperson, if there is one, will come into fulfillment order entry from the program master instead of the customer master. If you leave the salesperson number zero, then the salesperson will default based on the customer master that is entered on the order. Fulfillment orders can have multiple salespeople and can use a commission table.
Order Tab Option
Invoice type
Individual will create a single invoice for each order record. Consolidated invoicing will group invoices by bill to customer and program to create one invoice for that group. This field establishes a default to use during Fulfillment order entry but may be changed at the time of order entry.
Invoice message
This is the invoice message code. You can enter an invoice message code on the program master to default during Fulfillment order entry. This can be changed during order entry

Print packing list
A checkmark indicates that you will require a Fulfillment packing list to be created for each order.

Note: Prebilling orders do not create packing lists. If this program will be used exclusively for prebilling, then uncheck this box.
Print order manifests
A checkmark indicates that you will require a Fulfillment manifest to be created for each order. Prebilling orders will only generate a manifest. This is also a document that may be used as an acknowledgement to the customer or may be used for in house purposes.

Handling charge
Fulfillment order entry allows the feature of adding an automatic handling charge to the order. To use this function a valid “MC” item master will need to be created prior to adding to the program master.

Ship via
The ship via default for Fulfillment order entry, which can be changed on any fulfillment order.

Freight table
Enter the freight table number that you want this program to use. An entry of zero will indicate that you are not using a freight table master and will be adding freight charges during “Bill/Ship Customer Orders."

Return Address Tab
Return address
This is the address that you wish to return the product to if it is not deliverable. This is usually the distributors address and will print on the packing list, manifest and purchase orders.
G/L Tab Option
General ledger accounts can be maintained by program to override the normal company information set up. The accounts that can be maintained by program are: Sales, Cost, Inventory, Variance and Accounts Receivable.  Redirection of the general ledger postings can be accomplished at the item master, program master or standard company information setup, which is also the sequence used when determining the general ledger account to be used during posting. The item master will override any of the program master or company information setup.
Sales Tab
This will show Qty of items, Qty drop ship, total sales, total cost, profit dollars and profit percent since the program started. It will also provide MTD and YTD billed merchandise, freight and miscellaneous charges.
Misc Tab
The last tab of information is for reference only. This includes “Was the customer satisfied?”, “Use as a referral?” and “Future suggestions for this program”.

User defined field names
Allows label/text description of information to be used during Fulfillment Order Entry processes. The operator may access user defined information and collect additional information against the order.

Note: This information can then be printed on the “Generic Report Generator” located in Fulfillment Reporting.

Print user defined fields on invoice
Allows you to select each user defined field to print on the invoice and also make part of the EDI documentation.

Program notes
It is suggested to use notes to document details regarding this program so that this information is available to your staff. Information may include a general summary of program, reports required and other pertinent information.

Program Interview Overview
The interview is a series of questions and responses for a novice operator that determines the new program's setup. The response to each question either sets a default in the program master or directs the interview to additional questions needed to determine final program master setup.