When a credit card advance is entered it creates an open advance on the order vendor and an open payable on your credit card vendor.
Both the advance and the open payable need to be adjusted off through vouching/adjustments/auto-vouching. In vouching/adjustments/auto-vouching enter each vendor and lookup the invoice number. Edit the invoice and in the adjustment field enter the amount. For the order vendor the adjustment will be a positive amount and for the credit card vendor the adjustment will be a negative amount.
In the distribution tab select non-order distribution and post this to your suspense general ledger account. After you select finish, this will debit and credit the suspense general ledger account, leaving it unaffected, and remove the open items off your vendors.
Both the advance and the open payable need to be adjusted off through vouching/adjustments/auto-vouching. In vouching/adjustments/auto-vouching enter each vendor and lookup the invoice number. Edit the invoice and in the adjustment field enter the amount. For the order vendor the adjustment will be a positive amount and for the credit card vendor the adjustment will be a negative amount.
In the distribution tab select non-order distribution and post this to your suspense general ledger account. After you select finish, this will debit and credit the suspense general ledger account, leaving it unaffected, and remove the open items off your vendors.