
In Fulfillment/Transactions, Bill/Ship Customer Orders

ASICS recommends that the vouching and receiving of merchandise be done prior to billing the customer. This will ensure that the quantities and cost have been verified and updated to the prebill order.
Update unprocessed manifest orders – is available with the “Manifest Interface Special”. This option will allow processing of new orders that have shipped, and corresponding manifest details will be updated to the ProfitMaker software. Orders previously shipped through this process won’t update again. When using this option, all other selections will be disabled.
Select the orders to be billed by choosing All, Selected or a Range of Order #, Program # and Ship date.
Sort by
When the orders come up on the screen to be billed, they can be listed by Order #, Program # or Ship date.
Sort Order
Refers to the sort by. Sort by Ascending or Descending Order #, Program # or Ship date.
Update order(s) with ship date
The date entered here will default into the orders as a ship date. If the check mark is removed, each order will contain the ship date entered at the time of order entry. Each orders ship date can be changed when billing the order.
Operator initials
The initials of the operator billing the orders.
After the selections are completed on this screen click OK.
The initial display window will appear similar to the fulfillment order entry main display window. The top left section will list all the orders selected to bill/ship. To the left of the order number, icons are used to bring attention to the order. A yellow attention required icon will be used with one of the other icons on the order itself. Attention required includes: unvouched drop-ship items, missing credit card information or back ordered items. Click the icon beside the order number to change the icon to red with an X. This order will not be updated or billed.
The top right section will list the general information about the order. The order number, program number, order date, order status and the total of the order.
The bottom right section will list the lines items. Scroll right to see all the details of each item or double click the line. Quantity shipped will default based on the ordered quantity, unless there is a back order.
Click the vouched info button to view the activity of this item.
By activating the Vouched info button, the vouched activity for this item will appear. It will display the purchase order #, item #, sub#, item type, vouched quantity, vouched cost, per unit vouched cost and if vouched partial or complete. This information is used to update the line item billed cost amount.
The lower left section is the ship to record summary.
By selecting “Edit shipto” or double clicking on the ship to record you may access the window and make any required changes.
Ship to
Shows which ship to record is displayed and the total number of records.
Address type
Indicates company or individual.
Ship to Code
The code/address the order was shipped to
Tax code #1
Defaults in from the customer master but can be changed here.
Tax code #2
Defaults in from the customer master but can be changed here.
Freight table
Indicates if a freight table is calculating the freight.

Ship date
Date merchandise was shipped.
Ship via
Method of shipment and may be changed.
Freight to bill
Amount of freight to charge if a freight table isn’t used.
# Pkgs
Quantity of packages sent.
Weight of the packages
Zone merchandise was shipped to.
Ship to totals
Displays the subtotal of merchandise, tax freight and the grand total.
Once all changes have been completed select “Ok” to update the order record.
The edit order button contains the bill to address, invoice code, payment type, etc.
The salesperson on this order
Comm %
The commission percentage for the salesperson
Bill to
The address where the invoice will be sent
Invoice Code
Indicates the type of invoice, individual or consolidated
Invoice instruction code
A personalized message that prints on the bottom of the invoice.
Unit #
Which unit the order will post to.
Pay type
CC in the field indicates the order was paid by cash or a credit card.
Send invoice via EDI
Will be checked if the invoice will be sent EDI.
Bill Code
Indicates if an invoice will print. PB = Prebill and the invoice will print. CS = Cash sale and an invoice will not print. SB = Ship and bill and an invoice will print.
Discount %
Percent that each line of the order will be discounted.
Only the fields that are enabled may be changed during billing. Once all changes are complete, select “Ok” to update the order record.
The Manifest button is only active if the “Shipping Manifest Interface Special” has found package detail records related to this order and shipping record. This button will display on the ship to edit window and may be accessed from the main display window. Information will include the number of packages that were processed for shipment and their respective detail records.
The Actions button is used to Add, Edit or Delete the line items.
The Preview button will display a Preview Report that can be printed to verify the accuracy of the input.
When all orders have been completed click the Finish button. A journal will print for you to verify that the billing is correct. Orders can still be edited by going back into Bill/Ship.
This is the last chance to verify your billing is correct. It can still be edited at this stage. TS = transfer status and it needs to be T so that it will transfer to billing. If there is an H or *, the order will not transfer. The H means the order is on hold. The * indicates that the order was paid by cash or with credit card and the Post Cash/Credit Card Deposits has not been completed.
The Abort button will cancel the process – updating of records will not occur.