These may be used when you want the price of an item or charge to go directly to a G/L account other than the sales account coming from company information. The Item # must be the G/L # Proceeded by “GL”.
Example: If samples were expensed to your sample G/L Account, (G/L # 808), and you now decide to bill the customer, you could enter the item # as GL808.
As with a NOPRINT item, the cost of the GL line should have already been expensed. Therefore, the cost of a GL Line will not affect any cost or sales G/L account during invoicing. Gross Profit and Commission will be affected.
Example: If samples were expensed to your sample G/L Account, (G/L # 808), and you now decide to bill the customer, you could enter the item # as GL808.
As with a NOPRINT item, the cost of the GL line should have already been expensed. Therefore, the cost of a GL Line will not affect any cost or sales G/L account during invoicing. Gross Profit and Commission will be affected.