Your Company Setup drives much of the default information throughout the rest of the software.  From the GL Accounts updated for transactions to the send method for your documents.  Setting these up now will allow you to take advantage of these defaults but are not required to use your software.
The information listed here will pull into several forms and fields within the software.
System defaults: 

Terms, Ship Method, FOB, and Standard Salesperson Commission will populate in resources as the default but can be modified.  Your ASI number will be used for integration with ESP and other programs.  

This is also where a Company Logo can be attached to be printed on your company’s forms.  Use the folder to browse to help find the logo.  ASI SmartBooks supports JPG, BMP, GIF, and PNG file formats (it does not support EMF, DPS, EMG, PCX, TGA, or TIF files).  The image area is approximately 1”X 6”.  The image will shrink or expand to fit into the image area with limited distortion (ex:  if the image is ‘too busy’ to shrink down without loss of clarity, the image may not print well).