The ability to allow user access to a salesperson is also contained within the Salesperson resource. When the software is installed, all users will have access to all salespersons. If any changes to access are made within User Manage, they will already be reflected within a salesperson’s resource. User salesperson access changes made either through User Manage or through the Salesperson’s resource will work in conjunction with each other. There is no need to make changes twice.
Within lists and lookups that pertain to customers, quotes, orders, invoices, and salespersons, records will only be displayed if the user has access to a salesperson assigned to that record. Information pertaining to the accessible records will then be viewable (customer resource details, order details, invoice details, etc).

Order Manage Example: When launching Order Manage, the upper list will only contain orders to which the logged in user has access to any of the salespersons assigned to those orders. The user can then select an order to view the details of that order.
New Order Example: When adding/editing an order and viewing the customer and salesperson lookups, the user would only see customers and salespersons to which they have access. 

Quote Lists – User will have access to a quote based on their access to salesperson(s) on the quote.

Order/Order Products/Customer Booked Lists – User will have access to an order based on their access to salesperson(s) on the order.

Order Costing List - User will have access to an order based on their access to salesperson(s) on the order.

Order Tracking Update - User will have access to an order based on their access to salesperson(s) on the order.

Invoice/Customer Sales Lists – User will have access to an invoice based on their access to salesperson(s) on the invoice.

Customer Open Receivables/Customer History Lists - User will have access to all open receivables for a customer based on their access to salesperson(s) on the customer resource. Otherwise, the options may be totally restricted within User Roles.

Salesperson Open Commissions/Booked/Sales Lists – Access will be based on the salesperson(s) they have access to within their User Manage. Otherwise, the options may be totally restricted within User Roles.

NOTE: Menu options that you may never want a user to have access will continue to be restricted within the User role.
Within lists and views related to customers, quotes, orders, invoices, and salespersons are various links. If the user clicks a link and they do not have access to the information loaded by the link, they will receive an “Access is restricted” message.

Example: Shown below is the Customer Invoices List for salesperson Alistair. All invoices are listed to which he is assigned. This list contains a link on the Salesperson column. However, Alistair does not have rights to view Salesperson Manage which is opened by clicking the link. If he clicks the link, he will receive the following restriction message:
User Role Additional Restriction Abilities
Additional restrictions to salesperson information within resources may also be designated within User Roles.

Example #1 – As all the following options are checked, the user will have access to all information within the Salesperson expander.