1. Complete your Reconcile option for your Bank Account.
2. Select the Bank Account from the list.
3. On the Date Filter, Select Custom, and enter the date used on your last bank reconciliation for the End date.
4. Under the Action Column, click on the filter tool.
Use the “Does not Contain” option from the dropdown list and enter the word Voided. Click Apply Filter. This will remove all voided checks and shorten the list.
5. On the Cleared On column, click the column heading to sort. This will bring the outstanding transactions prior to the date entered in the date filter to the top. Locate the FIRST cleared date used for this account. Under the filter tool, select "Is less than” from the drop-down and enter the first date used to clear transactions. Click Filter.
6. Only outstanding transactions dated prior to the Bank Reconciliation Date will remain. The amount listed in the Footer of the Balance column combined with the ending balance on the Bank Reconciliation Report should equal the amount on the Balance Sheet or Trial Balance for the same date. If there is a discrepancy, you will need to research further using the Audit Trail under the Transactions List in Accounting for that general ledger number.