When System Preferences are set to “Update order cost with Bill-Apply information”, the orders unit cost will be updated for the first invoice from all applicable vendors. 
When this function is checked, a billed cost change during applying a vendor’s bill, which changes the unit cost, will be updated to the unit cost on the order.  This will occur upon processing. 

This occurs for drop ship and purchase customer stock (enhanced inventory) products and additional charges. This relates to non-matrix, matrix, and matrix upcharge costs. The unit cost will be updated to the order for the first bill applied to an order.  

If additional general ledger distributions are added at the order level while applying, a new line will be added to the order for the cost upon processing. The line will contain the cost and will be checked to “Hide from customer”. Changes to the new line may then be edited in the order. Changes made to cost during bill apply adjust will not affect the order’s product unit cost.

Selecting this new option has no effect on the updating which occurs if the System Preference options are checked for “Update order with Freight Only Bill-Apply information” or “Update new invoice quantities/costs with Bill-Apply information”.