Either enter separate product lines or one product with different addresses listed in the Special Instructions area.  

Explanation: An Order has a Ship to for the entire order. Each product on the order can have it’s own Ship to.

Option 1:
Divide the Product into separate lines based on the quantity shipped to each location. In the Product Tab, click on the Destination tab to indicate where this quantity will be shipped.

Note: You will need to use this option when the Sales Tax is different for each ship-to location.
The Order will show 3 Product Lines. You can view the Destination by expanding the product and clicking Destination.

NOTE: When you Print this order, the Purchase Order copy will show the Ship-to by Product. The Acknowledgement and interoffice copy will not print the individual ship-to addresses.
Option 2:

Have one Product line and indicate quantity to be shipped to each address in the Instructions area. In the Product Expander, click on the Instructions tab, then click Add Instruction.
Select which forms you’d like to see these instructions. If you’d like to see the address information on all the forms, click on “All forms”. If it’s only important for the vendor to see on the Purchase Order, click Purchase Order.  Indicate the quantity to be sent to each location.
Note: The Sales Tax would need to be the same for each Ship-to location when using this Option.