Within Epayment, without either checkbox marked, the user can post deposits (full amount or partial) and make payments against invoices (full amount or partial) individually. The same icons apply (the Brown address book, the new payment form, and the vault).
Follow these steps to charge a partial payment to an order and post to your ledger accounts:
- Provider Name –Select the Authorize.net service provider resource.
- Invoices Only –Leave unchecked.
- Order Vaults Only -Leave unchecked.
- Select the invoice or order to be charged a partial payment or leave empty for all orders and invoices with a pay with associated to Authorize.Net service provider.
- Click Search. The program will find all matching records and display them for you. For each order or invoice:
- Indicate the amount to authorize (charge).
- Add the credit card vault profile if it doesn’t already exist for this customer.
- Select the credit card vault profile to be charged.
- Click Process to charge the credit card and to post the general ledger for the selected orders and invoices.