Use this function if the user entering the order will be gathering the credit card information and charging the credit card when entering the order.
The “Vault Selection” window is divided into two sections– the top section “Vault for Order ####” shows the credit card vault profiles, used for the customer on this order.
The bottom section “Vault for Customer ????” shows all the existing credit card vault profiles created (vaulted) for the customer on the order.

Click “Edit’ to change the credit card vault profile that was entered through the “Customer Integration Manager”. Click “Submit” on the desired credit card vault profile to submit a charge for the balance due on the order. Submit does NOT update any general ledger accounts in ASI SmartBooks. This posting is done with the Epayment option.
How do I Receive Replies?
  • Approved– this will give the amount and the transaction number.
  • Declined– this will give a decline reason.
  • Line item/Code must have a description– this is due to one of the product lines not containing a value in the product code or description field. These are required from
  • Line number is invalid- this is due to a negative quantity on a product line. Currently this is not allowed by