Paid Reporting
To send reporting to Connect requires creating specific formatted reports.  The following instructions
will assist you with your reporting requirements.

Load Customer History from the Customer Tab, List Group, History Option.

Change the Date selector to the range required for the report.  This range will be based on whether you are reporting Monthly, Quarterly or Semi-Annually.  Then click Search.

Adding a 2-part filter to the Source Column:

Click the filter for the Source column.  In the filter option the first criteria will be "Is Equal To" "Receipts-Allocate". Change the default And to Or.  The second criteria will be "Is Equal To" "Receipt-Epayment". Click Apply Filter.

Click Apply Changes.

The columns will need to be rearranged in the order Connect needs them for the report.   Click and drag each column in the following order: 
Customer Name, Customer Code, Invoice Date, Post Date, Amount Reference, Amount, Zip/Postal, Office, Source.

To save the format for future reporting, use the wrench in the upper right corner of the screen. Click save view as and give a descriptive name that explains what it is, an example is:      Connect Paid Invoices. 

Once the report is saved, use the function, “export as comma delimited (.csv)” and send the report to Connect through the normal process.

Past Due Reporting
To send reporting to Connect requires creating specific formatted reports.  The following instructions
will assist you with your reporting requirements.

Load the default receivables list. 
This is located on the Customer Tab as well as the Accounting Tab.

Under the Collections Group, select Receivables.
A screen shot of a computer<br><br>Description automatically generated
On the right side of the screen, select Open Receivables under the Views dropdown.

Once the list is loaded, additional columns will need to be added and removed. 

Once the selections are complete you will click on Apply Changes.

Your next step is to create your new list in the format that Connect requires.

You must rearrange the columns into the proper order by clicking and dragging the names until they are formatted in this order:

Customer Name, Customer Code, Terms, Age, Invoice Date, Due on Date, Amount and Zip/Postal 

To save the format for future reporting, use the wrench in the upper right corner of the screen. Click save view as and give a descriptive name that explains what it is, an example is:     Connect Paid Invoices. 

Once the report is saved, use the function, “export as comma delimited (.csv)” and send the report to Connect through the normal process.